Abstract Watercolor Background - Magenta, Hot Pink - Soft Texture


celebrate life for maximum merriment



Let's Jumpstart Your Joy

with the merriment makers community

Texture surface of ice cream. Background of strawberry ice cream close-up. Banner
Pink gradient, Rectangle transparent Gradient,

You don't need my


or anyone else's,

to play.


SAYS ...


Cute Sprinkle Decoration
Cute Sprinkle Decoration
Milk dripping border
Lined Retro Anime Sparkles
Milk dripping, fluid background
Star Shape Illustration
Text Box

What you'll find here are Tools, Tips,

and Resources to HELP GET RID

OF YOUR RUT, and make it easier to

FIND THE FUN in your life (again!)

Yellow Smiling Star
Yellow Confetti Background
Yellow Confetti Background
Yellow Confetti Background
Cute Sprinkle Decoration
Yellow Confetti Background
Magical Fairy Dust Illustration
Progress Bar
Yellow Confetti Background
Yellow Confetti Background
Yellow Confetti Background
Yellow Confetti Background
Yellow Confetti Background
yellow brick wall, bricks
Pink gradient, Rectangle transparent Gradient,





Scalloped Edge Lace
Scalloped Edge Lace
Lined Retro Anime Sparkles
Lined Retro Anime Sparkles
Magical Fairy Dust Illustration
Independence Day Fireworks
Independence Day Fireworks


Scalloped Edge Lace
yellow brick wall, bricks
Bright White Spotlight

The membership group for folks

who want to celebrate each day,

and want tips on HOW

to be MORE




White Rounded Bar
Doodle Arrow Illustration
Doodle Arrow Illustration

WARNING: The Merriment Making Method

might actually make you feel happier.

Smiley Happy Flower
Yellow Confetti Background
Magical Fairy Dust Illustration
Progress Bar
quotation mark pink

hey babes!

Yellow Confetti Background
Yellow Confetti Background
White Rectangle With Shadow
Meet your coach


I'm Mary England, AKA Uncustomary.

I'm a published author, life coach, event speaker, podcaster, and team building facilitator. I have two degrees in Psychology. I’ve run my own business since 2013, where I created my own job title: Merriment Maker.

Previously, I worked at a psychiatric rehabilitation center for five years, creating curriculums for courses for 100 adults with mental illness.

I also have one dozen mental illnesses of my own. I've come to this space from a sincere desire of wanting to be happy, not naturally being happy. I know this is work. And I'm doing it with you.

I believe in play is more powerful than meditation. I'm blunt. My methods are founded in psychology and science, and I'm also optimistic. I'm a good teacher. I've taught adults how to read. Perhaps most importantly, I am here to get you to take action, not just to theoretically understand something.

Tangibility will always win over theory.

quotation mark pink
Yellow Confetti Background
Yellow Confetti Background
Yellow Confetti Background
Shadow overlay

As your Merriment

Making Coach:

Check Mark Illustration
Check Mark Illustration
Check Mark Illustration

I'll reveal my unconventional approach to HOW you can find more joy EVERY day, even with a neurodivergent mind.

You'll learn how to feel LESS lonely, and find MORE purpose individually, and as part of a community.

I'll show you HOW to create more CONFIDENCE, Connection, and Color in your Home, Friendships, Work,

and Life overall with Theory AND Tangible 1 - 2 -3 steps.


Blue Gradient Background
Blue Gradient Background




Peter Gray, Ph.D.


Yellow Confetti Background
Yellow Confetti Background
Yellow Confetti Background
Yellow Confetti Background
Yellow Confetti Background
Yellow Confetti Background

You're worth MORE than how PRODUCTIVE you can be.

You're worth MORE than how PRODUCTIVE you can be.

Magical Fairy Dust Illustration
Hand Drawn Rays

Every month, we'll focus on various themes to bring more

play, joy, kindness, celebration & Authenticity into your real life

Isolated Megaphone Icon Flat Design



Flat Rectangle Gradient Button, Blue Rectangle Button

let me

Gradient Symbols Line Name frame
Hand Drawn Rays


this is for you if you want to...

this is for you if you want to...

Kidcore Happy Emoticons Sticker
  • Have more fun
  • Play more
  • Feel happier
  • Love yourself more
  • Embrace your weird
  • Shake out your rut
  • Spread more joy and kindness
  • Celebrate life while you’re alive
Kidcore Rainbow with Happy Emoticon
Pink Rectangle Button, Web Button

i want that

cYou've Got the Love


Scalloped Edge Heart


Scalloped Edge Heart
Scalloped Edge Heart
Scalloped Edge Heart
Scalloped Edge Heart
group of small cute pink hearts
Scalloped Edge Heart
group of small cute pink hearts
Hey You Lettering
Sweetheart Candy. Sweet Heart Candies, Sweets Valentines and Conversation Love Hearts Candies Flat Vector Illustration Set
Sweetheart Candy. Sweet Heart Candies, Sweets Valentines and Conversation Love Hearts Candies Flat Vector Illustration Set
Notification box

You can count on Merriment membership resources fitting under themes of:

Notification box
Neon Green Circle Banner, Neon Circle
Wiggly Circle



Neon Pink Circle Banner, Neon Circle
Wiggly Circle



Neon Purple Circle Banner, Neon Circle
Wiggly Circle



What resources

do I get?

Rose Gold Circle


20+ resources guaranteed every month!

Yellow Rubber Duckie


a merriment makers

membership card

mailed to you

when you sign up!

  • Live Masterclasses + Workshops

  • Workbooks

  • Weekly Merriment Missions

  • Weekly Creative Challenges

  • Group Chat

  • SMS Text Inspiration (US residents)

  • Pinterest Boards

  • Digital + Printable Art

  • Guided EFT / Tapping

  • Guided Meditations

  • Podcasts

  • Playlists

  • Tutorials

  • Positive Affirmations

  • Journaling Prompts

  • Gratitude Prompts

  • Interviews

  • Snail Mail Newsletter

  • E-Newsletter

  • Facebook Group

  • Operation Merriment Included

($40 value alone!)

Top View Photography of Blue Pool Tiles
Blue Gradient Background

play is a priority

play is a priority

Play Button

"When we recognize that PLAY, is *not* a frivolous activity, but absolutely CRUCIAL for HEALTHY child development and mental wellbeing, then we will give it the

PRIORITY STATUS it deserves. "

Anna Ranson

Yellow Neon Button

cYou've Got the Love


Wave Splash
Wave Splash
Blue Highlight Line Stroke Decoration

MERRIMENT MAKERS Make Time to Play on Purpose,

Spread Kindness, and

Empower Authenticity.

MERRIMENT MAKERS Make Time to Play on Purpose,

Spread Kindness, and

Empower Authenticity.

Rubber duck

are you ready to play?

Cute Blue Star with a Smile Illustration
Check Mark Illustration
Check Mark Illustration
Check Mark Illustration
Check Mark Illustration

I want you to feel more like YOU than you ever have.

I want us to celebrate YOU and LIFE, together.

I want to create a KINDER space for us to live in. Both immednaitely and for the future. Which includes when we need the kindness to heal.

I want us to PLAY and HAVE FUN.

Wave Splash
Abacus with Rabbit Clock
Modern Geo Quarter Arc
Modern Geo Quarter Arc
Wave Splash
Modern Geo Quarter Arc



what'cha waiting for?

Wave Splash
Wave Splash
Wave Splash
Wave Splash



Wave Splash
Heart Outline



Heart Drawing

cYou've Got the Love


"Mary knows her stuff. Period.

Let me add that I am a mental health counselor -- so, I do not make that statement lightly. Merriment Makers is the perfect balance of fun, education, and support. And, if there isn’t already an Uncustomary article or tool for what you’re dealing with, Mary can create one. She is such a real, kind, personable being! I am a member and loving every bit of it.

It’s one of the best, and most reasonable investments I have made for myself since joining Merriment Makers 2 1/2 years ago! I’m excited to see where she goes nexT.

White Circle Vector


"M.M. is a place where I can be me.

I can speak my truth. I can be supportive and support others whether it's a good day or a bad day and not feel judged for not being positive all the time. And on the days where I'm not positive it is a bountiful resource 4 ways I can improve my mental health."


White Circle Vector


"This Membership Group is one of the most supportive, colorful, and joyous places I know! Maybe it's because Mary is always surpassing Herself with so many bright, shiny ways to love yourself and share your best with the world.

There are journaling prompts, worksheets, playlists, endless ways to practice self-love and gratitude with a joyful attitude, all kinds of ideas for exploring and expanding the world around you and so much more!

I love how much more colorful and kind my life has become since I joined!

A wholesome, fun and experienced group - I love this community of Merriment Makers! the support and friendships combined with a massive amount of resources, definitely helps me in both my low and high moments."


Get your 1st week



Join Today...

Yellow Paint Brush Stroke on White Background

We. are. the merriment makers !

Across the World...


"Thank you. Your digital content is so helpful...and life-affirming."

Alanna T.

White Circle Vector

"Uncustomary has been a life changer for me. I'm not a naturally positive person. A few years ago I was so miserable, isolated, and down on myself that I decided to make a change. That's when I found Mary. She has helped me to see the positive sides of life and myself. I've literally changed my entire life within three years using the joy and support that I've received from Mary and the Merriment Makers."


White Circle Vector

“I'm a new member, but already I can see how it will help me in the long run. When I've been down, it seems that Mary's contagious beautiful attitude toward life finds me where I am. Not only is the Facebook group is filled with marvelous people from all walks of life, there are opportunities for growth, reminders to get gentle with yourself, and tips on how to be amazing. It's such a place of love and kindness you won't regret being a part of."


“I love being a member of such a positive, uplifting group! You get access to tons of free content like positive quotes to share online and even fun activities like scavenger hunts. You get access to the Facebook group. Mary even has numerous informative classes on various topics. Mary's group has definitely helped me to feel better about myself!”

White Circle Vector


“I started following Uncustomary on Instagram. I can't tell you how much Mary's beautiful pictures inspire me everytime that I see them! I fell in love with the colorful pictures that made me smile. Her dedication to body positivity and living in color is infectious! I signed up for the Membership and it's like receiving a party in your mailbox each month!

Being part of this Membership makes you feel like you have a cheerleader to cheer you on towards your goals every single day! I encourage everyone to become a part of the fun!!!"

White Circle Vector


"I have been following Mary on Instagram for some time. I love her positive messages, colorful pictures, and general happy outlook on life. It always put a smile on my face. Within the last year or so I've been dealing with a lot of life changes. I was trying to dig myself out of a rut. I decided to join this group and see if it could help me with my goals, and it definitely did.

While I don't use all the tools available, and there are a lot! I get so much out of the group, and enjoy working at my own pace to get back to myself. The group always has something new to talk about or try and its a great place to go to get a little pick me up!"

White Circle Vector


“I am so unbelievably grateful that I came across Uncustomary. Her Membership group is the brightest point of my day. It is full of support and love and so much color! Mary is so honest while still being insanely optimistic and genuine. It is so awesome to find a woman who truly embraces her uniqueness while supporting other women in their own unique journeys.

I think the most valuable thing that Uncustomary has given me, though, is a sense of community. Mary has a way of helping you realize you are truly never alone in whatever you’re facing in life. She is a sparkly human rainbow in an often otherwise gray world. I’m forever thankful I found her!"

White Circle Vector


Real fun. Real Smiles. Real Members.

Push Pin
Blank Marble with Edges Background
Push Pin
Yellow Paint Splash
Yellow Paint Brush Stroke on White Background

frequently asked questions

Check Mark Illustration




Check Mark Illustration

Q: Can I sign up at any time?

A: Yes! Sign up ANY time and get INSTANT ACCESS to all online Merriment resources, like the online Facebook community, group chat, newsletter, workshops, seminars, worksheets, and more. We also have Teachable for those who aren't active Facebook users. Sign up by the 2nd of the current month to ensure you get Merriment Mail for that particular month.

Check Mark Illustration

Q: What happens when I check out?

A: You'll be directed back to the Teachable dashboard, and

you'll receive instructions for how to join the Facebook group, Operation Merriment, the Member Newsletter, add yourself to the group chat, sync to the class calendar, and get immediate access to the $1500 worth of archives!

Check Mark Illustration

Q: Is this membership only available to people in the

United States?

A: No, the Merriment commnity is international, baby! That said, I can't control the postal system and your Merriment Mail might get there later than expected. :)

Check Mark Illustration

Q: Is the price of membership the same if I live outside of the U.S.?

A: Yes! You CAN purchase the Merriment Makers Membership internationally for the same price as those who live in the USA.

Check Mark Illustration
Check Mark Illustration

Q: Can I buy the membership for someone else as a gift?

A: Yes! Several people have bought memberships as gifts for family members, friends, loved ones, significant others and more! Just let me know who the gift is for at check out.

I need their name, e-mail, and snail mail address so that they can make the most of the program :)

Q: All of this sounds really good! Can I take a peek at previous Merriment Content before I join?

A: Yes! Scroll down on the Teachable page and get a better idea of what's in store for you! We're always aiming to make bigger and better content, too!

Check Mark Illustration

Q: Are yearly Merriment Maker subscriptions available?

A: Yes. There's many options available: You can set your subscription to renew every month, 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months. You're able to save money with longer time commitments.

Check Mark Illustration
Check Mark Illustration

Q: Can I cancel my Merriment Maker membership at any time?

A: Yes. You can cancel at any time.

Q: Is there a cancelation fee?

A: Nope!

Check Mark Illustration

Q: Are subscriptions refundable?

A: As this is a digital offering and you get access to hundreds

of resources immediately upon enrolling, per industry standard there are no refunds for membership subscriptions, but you may cancel at any time. Please feel free to contact me with questions: mary@uncustomary.org

Check Mark Illustration
Check Mark Illustration

Q: If I cancel my membership, will I lose access to the Facebook Support Group?

A: Yes. And Teachable. And Merriment Mail. That's what you're paying for!

Q: If I cancel my membership, will I lose access to

Operation Merriment Weekly Missions?

A: Yes if that's how you gained access to it!

Operation Merriment is, however, a separate offering that can be purchased on its own even if you ever decide to leave the larger Membership program.

Check Mark Illustration

Q: How do I cancel my membership?

A: Here are the instructions for canceling your membership at anytime, if need be. Go to your profile image, hover over it, click "manage subscriptions", find "Merriment Makers Membership" and select the action you want to take under "actions".

This video walks you through it! (If your account is older and you've signed up through PayPal, Tools >> All Tools >> Recurring Payments, then select the plan and hit cancel.) Keep in mind, that YOU are responsible for canceling your own plan, not me.

You have to feel good to do good.

Yellow Circle Shape